Broker News

A round up of the latest news, views, commentary and analysis on the insurance, pensions and investment industry.

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Zurich's Ian Slattery discusses wealth management and explains how pension investments work, what an investor should think about before choosing a fund or portfolio and why advice is key to smart financial decision-making.

Ulster Rugby players Andrew Trimble, Craig Gilroy, Darren Cave and Stuart McCloskey have put their voice behind Rugby Players Ireland's Tackle Your Feelings mental wellbeing campaign delivered in partnership with Zurich.

Low uptake of pensions, longer life expectancy and increasing pressure on the State to fund longer retirements ...When will the message get through that the current system is not going to be sustainable in the future, asks Niall Fitzgerald, head of retail pension sales at Zurich?

If introduced to Ireland, auto enrolment would be the latest in a number of initiatives designed to bring more people under the pension umbrella and boost retirement savings.

It was a choppy, but positive, week overall for equity investors and the US Federal Reserve announcement that it was to begin reducing its bond portfolio, amassed since the financial crisis, came as no surprise. Ian Slattery reports.

The global index had a positive week, US equities performed strongly too and Sterling strengthened during the week as the Bank of England suggested an interest rate increase may happen in the coming months. Ian Slattery reports.

When it comes to pensions, it's never too late to plan for your retirement. Envisage now the life you want to have in retirement and enjoy living it when you get there.

As people live longer it's more important than ever to take an active part in planning our retirement funds. Managing your income in retirement is key says Pòl Ó Briain.

A lot of debate on investment styles centres around whether or not active or passive investment management is the best approach. At Zurich, we believe that rather than active versus passive, the real question should be how active do you wish to be? Ian Slattery reports.

Although there were no significant changes to pensions in Budget 2018, the Pensions Authority's planned changes are due to come into effect over the coming years in addition to a national pensions road map proposal due in December from the government.

When it comes to financial planning, having a good basic knowledge and getting expert advice from an independent financial broker or advisor will stand you in good stead, according to Ian Slattery.

We recognise the importance of mental and emotional wellbeing and through our partnership with Rugby Players Ireland and the Tackle Your Feelings initiative. We asked some experts why promoting a healthy body and mind is so important. Here's what Michelle Magill from Melt Natural Healing Centre had to say: