Broker News

A round up of the latest news, views, commentary and analysis on the insurance, pensions and investment industry.

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Ian Slattery looks at investments to see what the key drivers are and finds the markets were broadly flat as Jackson Hole provides little new news.

Pensions are like a marathon says Zurich's Rose Leonard, if you want to do one you are going to have to start training now. The first mile is the hardest but once you have developed the habit, it gets easier. Listen back to her interview to hear why an early savings habit is good for your future.

Ian Slattery focuses on the latest market developments and finds that Europe leads global stocks higher as political concerns weigh on US market.

Rising tensions between the US administration and North Korea led to a modest correction in risk assets last week, writes Ian Slattery as he delivers a round-up of investment news.

With house prices increasing more in the first six months of 2017 than the whole of 2016 and the cost of renting now 8% higher on average than at the peak of the Celtic Tiger in 2008, renters in Ireland are stuck sliding down slippery paths to no savings and no mortgages rather than climbing successfully onto the property ladder. The question is: with these odds, how do you roll the dice and win?

Stephen Redmond joined the Zurich Apprenticeship Programme in 2016 and offers his opinion and advice for others thinking about signing up.

Economic and earnings data continues on upward trajectory, writes Ian Slattery. He reports on a busy week for the markets.

Last week the Fed kept interest rates unchanged and instead looked to the balance sheet. This week the markets will be watching carefully as the July jobs report is released on Friday. Ian Slattery reports.

Earnings continue to come in thick and fast with Facebook, Coca Cola, Nestle and Amazon all reporting and a stronger euro hits equity returns for Eurozone investors, writes Ian Slattery.

US market hits all-time high, as Janet Yellen eases interest rate concerns. Ian Slattery reports on the latest investment news.

While the markets might be experiencing a level of unpredictability this year, according to David Warren volatility presents opportunities for active managers and asset allocation decisions.

Between AIB's long awaited floatation and the proposed acquisition of Whole Foods by Amazon, positivity continued to reverberate across the markets, writes Ian Slattery.