Broker News

A round up of the latest news, views, commentary and analysis on the insurance, pensions and investment industry.

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Eurozone, manufacturing and services PMIs had their best showing since April 2011 and the European Commission's economic sentiment gauge hit a 17 year high, writes Ian Slattery.

Consumer sentiment in the US for November dipped slightly, however this followed a 13-year high in October. Eurozone inflation figures, which are due for release on Thursday, are projected to be up for the month. Ian Slattery reports.

Zurich was crowned overall winner of the Broker Ireland 2017 Excellence Awards at a ceremony held at the Intercontinental Hotel in Dublin in November.

Richard Temperley, Zurich's Head of Investment Development, talks to Ian Slattery about the changing dynamics of the global as they discuss how equities, bonds, commodities and currencies are performing in the current climate.

For former geologist Andy Sleeman, the measure of his retirement success is the time it allows him to spend with his grandchildren, and on his boat.

Zurich Ireland was recognised with its second digital award of 2017, at the prestigious Search Engine Land Awards, which were held in New York on 25 October.

Equities fall as US tax plans hit speed bump and as earnings season draws to a close, Ian Slattery finds that tech, materials and healthcare are leading the charge.

Whether it's the market's reaction to global events, the US political situation or the implications of Brexit, when it comes to asset allocation, David Warren is a firm believer in active management.

Ian Slattery explains why 2016 marked another good year for Zurich's flagship SuperCAPP fund as it continued to provide long-term investors with exposure to growth assets while remaining well insulated from volatile markets.

Retire and stop? Not in the future says pension forecaster. As the way we live changes so will our pensions, but planning for a reimagined pensions future is more important than ever.

Equities move higher as earnings season takes hold and Eurozone manufacturing PMI data, due to be published tomorrow, will provide insights into the key economic performers. Ian Slattery reports.

Listen back to David Warren's podcast interview where he talks about current investment trends and key performers. He also examines asset allocation and why Zurich takes an active approach to asset allocation.