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Zurich Life undertakes active ownership of its investee companies through exercising shareholder voting rights and engaging with investee companies directly. Voting is executed across Zurich’s entire directly managed equity portfolio with agreed approaches across a wide range of issues on corporate governance and other key ESG factors with full voting records publicly available online. On engaging with investee companies Zurich has put in place a framework to engage with some of the largest carbon emitters through direct meetings. This combination of active engagement and active voting is recognised as a key feature of responsible investing.

Active ownership case studies

Responsible Investment engagement by Zurich Life

13 internally managed funds with a combined €22.4bn in assets under management, classified as Article 8 according to SFDR


13 internally managed funds with a combined €22.4bn in assets under management, classified as Article 8 according to SFDR.


of equity holdings covered by MSCI for ESG factors


resolutions we voted on


resolutions we voted against


company engagements across our equity regions

Source: Zurich Life

Figures in above graphic are as at 31 December 2024.

Active voting

The voting records related to Zurich Life Assurance plc are available here. The voting records related to Zurich Insurance Group are available here.

Vote for

We encourage the move from fossil fuel energy generation to renewables where we can as part of our support of the Paris Accord on limiting climate change. We do this by supporting management strategies to divest coal, oil and gas assets in favour of investment in renewable and clean technologies. We also support shareholder resolutions on greater disclosure of climate exposures. We invest directly in companies involved in the manufacture of renewable energy equipment which should benefit from the long-term trend towards wind, solar and other carbon free energy solutions.

Vote against

Our most frequent votes against management recommendations are in the area of governance and compensation plans. We will vote against the re-election of directors who we believe, for example, serve on too many boards. We will also vote against what we believe are excessive compensation plans and those which are not demanding enough to achieve.


High ESG rating

Zurich Life has a long-term holding in a Taiwanese technology company which has had a consistently high ESG rating. We meet and speak with the company regularly and are consistently impressed with its strategy for sustainable value creation. The company’s corporate governance is excellent to the benefit of all stakeholders. The company has a strong commitment to being a technological lead, through cutting edge research and development. It also partners well with its customers and its highly qualified and motivated staff has driven long-term success, and exceptional investment returns. Occasionally, well-funded new entrants to the industry appear as a threat, but the company’s track record and innovative mind-set give us confidence to maintain our holdings, and also add to them as opportunities arise

We have a long-term holding in a best-in-class Irish building materials company. It gets the highest ESG rating with its consistently well managed operations, both existing and newly acquired. It is also best in class when it comes to its commitment to lowering carbon emissions in an industry which is naturally a high emitter. It continues to lead its peers in corporate governance practices with a majority independent board and key company committees are also independent of management. There is a strong and effective policy on employee safety in an industry with high exposure to potential injuries.


Low ESG rating

We don’t have a position in an Australian resources company which has extensive interests in high carbon emitting sectors. The company has not been prepared to outline a plan to either reduce emissions in line with global science base targets nor divest of the most culpable areas of the business. Corporate governance at the company is reasonable but its strategy of not responding to climate change imperatives makes the investment unpalatable to us. This is not only on the grounds of ongoing emissions but also the valuation risks of exposures to potentially stranded assets in the future.

A number of leading global companies get low ESG ratings due to different classes of shares and high founder and controlling stakes in the business. However, the evidence is very mixed on the impact of this on corporate sustainability and long-term success. It can be argued that a strong long-term vision - which often comes with the most far-seeing and successful entrepreneurs - outweighs the issues of board diversity and management control. We take each case very much on its merits. Naturally, we prefer a single share class and one share, one vote in line with best practice.  However, we are prepared to make exceptions when the business and investment case are strong enough to withstand the deficit in shareholder control. This is the case with many US companies, especially in the technology sector where issues of data management and protection can also arise.