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As an investment manager, Zurich Life Assurance plc is conscious of the need to ensure that we invest policyholder and shareholder funds responsibly. For us, Responsible Investment is all about ‘doing well and doing good’. Zurich Insurance Group is committed to Responsible Investment and is a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment. Zurich in Ireland shares this commitment and participates in group-wide practices in relation to Responsible Investment as described below.

"We are proud of our responsible investment efforts. 
We have expertise and we are well positioned
to deliver good outcomes
for our customers in this area."

David Warren

Chief Investment Officer
Zurich Life Assurance plc

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Zurich Life Assurance Plc (Zurich Life) is part of the Zurich Group (Zurich) and as such benefits directly from the expertise, information and resources that the Zurich Group has in the area of sustainability and responsible investment. Zurich Life incorporates much of this into the management of its own assets. Zurich Life also participates in Zurich Group-led initiatives which are directly applicable to Zurich Life’s sustainability and responsible investment-related work. As such, the references to Zurich Life in the text above reflect those activities are carried out directly by Zurich Life Assurance Plc in Ireland.