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Why Zurich?

Track record of strong returns*

Local team of investment experts

Award-winning investment portfolio^

How to get started

Get in touch

Find an external financial advisor in your area with our handy finder tool or submit an enquiry form to one of our Zurich Financial Planners.



Get to know you

The external financial advisor or Zurich Financial Planner will ask you about your financial situation and may invite you to complete a financial health check to help them give you tailored advice.


Get tailored advice

You will receive tailored recommendations and options for your pension, based on your situation and goals.

The power of pensions


The earlier you start contributing to your pension, the more time your money has to grow. Thanks to the power of compound interest, even small contributions made in your 20s or 30s can accumulate into a substantial retirement fund over time.

For example, €416.67 invested every month over a 40 year, 30 year or 20 year period. These figures are for illustration purposes only and are not guaranteed. Source: Zurich Life, August 2024. Assumptions: Gross investment return of 4.6% based on the Prisma 4 fund. 100% allocation, 1.25% Annual Management Charge. The return is based on an investment in the fund and does not represent the return achieved by individual policies linked to the fund. 

Tax benefits


In contrast to a savings account, contributions to a pension plan qualify for tax relief which could be at either 20% or 40%, depending on your income tax bracket.


For example, if you’re on the 40% rate of income tax, every €100 you contribute to your pension would only cost you €60 after tax relief.


Pensions offer tax-free growth, unlike other savings accounts where growth is taxed. Plus when you retire and take your benefits, you may be able to access some of your fund in a tax-efficient way.


Try our Personal Pension Tax Relief Calculator to see the benefit of tax relief for you.

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How much should I be saving?

How much you contribute to your pension is up to you and depends on when you would like to retire, what lifestyle you would like in retirement and how much you can afford to save.

With a Zurich Personal Retirement Savings Account (PRSA), you can start from as little as €10 per month. Plus our pension plans are flexible so you can start and stop as you need to. A simple way to check how much you should save is to use our Pension Calculator with only four simple steps.


Zurich. Performance Counts.

Performance is what turns good into great and it can provide you with the confidence that you have made the right choice for your pension investment.

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Track record
Over the past 10 years, our popular Prisma 3, 4 and 5 Funds have outperformed the market average and delivered positive returns*.

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Investment expertise
Our investment team, based in Blackrock, Co. Dublin, has been managing our customers’ investments for over 40 years.

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The Investment Provider and Pension Provider Excellence Awards from Brokers Ireland, 2023 are just some of the recent awards we have won^.

Over this time period, the market average return on an investment of €100,000 would have given you a return of 52.8%, or €52,800. Over the same time period, the return from the Prisma 4 Fund would have given a total return of 77.5%, or €77,500. Figures assume a €100,000 Single Premium, 100% allocation rate and an Annual Management Charge of 1.25%. Source: Zurich and MoneyMate, August 2024*.


*Source: Zurich and MoneyMate, August 2024. Prisma 3 Fund has 3.7% annualised returns over 10 years, compared to a market average of 2.8%. Prisma 4 Fund has 7.2% annualised returns over 10 years, compared to a market average of 5.6%. Prisma 5 Fund has 10.2% annualised returns over 10 years, compared to a market average of 8.0%. The constituents of the Market Average are multi-asset funds available from Life Company peers in the Irish market (Irish Life Assurance Company, Standard Life Assurance Company, New Ireland, Aviva), which target a similar level of volatility to Prisma 4. Where a provider has multiple fund ranges we use the most prominent, and where risk targeting methodologies differ we seek to use the most comparable fund. All unit price information is sourced from Fund Focus Performance figures and based on close of markets prices 31/07/2024, based on best available information. Annual management fees apply. Returns are based on offer to offer performance and do not represent the return achieved by individual policies linked to the funds.

^Investment Excellence Award, Brokers Ireland, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024. No awards held in 2020. Pension Provider Excellence Award, Brokers Ireland, 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2021. Fund Management Company of the Year 2024 Award, Business and Finance Financial Services Awards. Life Assurance and Pensions of the Year, InBUSINESS Recognition Awards, 2024.

3Citizens Information: Contributory State pension.

Warning: Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance.
Warning: This product may be affected by changes in currency exchange rates.
Warning: The value of your investment may go down as well as up.
Warning: If you invest in these products you may lose some or all of the money you invest.
Warning: The income you get from this investment may go down as well as up.
Warning: These figures are estimates only. They are not a reliable guide to the future performance of your investment.

The information contained herein is based on Zurich Life's understanding of current Revenue practice as at March 2025 and may change in the future.