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Small actions can have a great impact

Whether you are considering topping up your pension fund or switching your pension provider, with a Zurich pension, you can:


Maximise your tax relief


Invest with an award-winning team*


Keep track of your pension 24/7

Set yourself up for success

Invest more in your future

  • You can make extra contributions to your existing pension if you want a better income when you retire.
  • If you would like to catch up on contributions due to a pause or reduction in payments during your working life, you can.
  • And if you are getting close to retiring you can maximise your pension fund available at retirement.

Maximise tax relief

  • Pension contributions attract significant tax relief, especially compared to other forms of saving, like bank accounts or savings plans, which do not attract such generous incentives.
  • If you are saving regularly but don’t need to access those savings until you retire, you should consider taking advantage of this tax relief on pension savings. 

Regularly review

  • Keeping an eye on your pension is integral to ensuring the lifestyle you’ve planned for.
  • Simply register for and log on to our online dashboard if you want to check the value of your pension.
  • You can review your investment choices, get a snapshot of your current funds and find out how your funds are performing.

How can I enhance my pension?

Making financial decisions about retirement planning is important. But you don’t have to do it alone, we’re here to help. A simple way to plan is to use our Pension Calculator.

The amounts shown may go up or down. Read the important assumptions for this calculator.

Important Assumptions
  • For the purpose of determining the term over which pension contributions are made, we have assumed your birthday was exactly six months ago.
  • If your target retirement age is lower than the age at which the Social Welfare pension commences (age 68 if you are born on/after 01/01/1961, age 67 if born before this date but on/after 01/01/1955 and age 66 if born before 01/01/1955) the calculations allow for funding for this gap, in addition to the cost of the annuity.
  • You are entitled to a full Social Welfare pension of €277.30 per week as at January 2024 which is assumed to increase by 3% per year.
  • You are saving for the difference between the Social Welfare pension and your target monthly income in retirement.
  • We have allowed for inflation of your target monthly income of 3% per annum between now and your retirement date.
  • Any other private pension provision you may have in place has not been taken into account.
  • Your monthly pension contribution increases by 3% each year up until your retirement age and is invested in a pension plan with an annual management charge of 1% and a 5% charge on each contribution, in line with the Standard PRSA fees and charges maximum limit.
  • A Gross Investment Return of 4.6% per annum on your savings. This is not a forecast because the value of your investment may grow at a faster or slower rate than assumed and the value of your investment may be expected to fall from time to time as well as rise.
  • On retirement you purchase an annuity which escalates at 2% each year, has a 5-year guarantee and is payable monthly in advance. The annuity rate assumes a post retirement interest rate of 2% per annum and no spouse's pension. The actual annuity rate will depend on the selection of dependant's pension, guaranteed period and the escalation rate, as well as interest rates prevailing when the annuity is purchased.



Save 274per month to enjoy 1500 per month in retirement.

Your contribution could be as little as 162 if you are eligible for tax relief at 40%.

Your Existing Pension Fund is projected to cover the amount that you would like a month in retirement. Increase the amount that you would like in retirement, to see the impact of additional savings into your Pension Fund.

Why Zurich?

Award-winning investment performance*

One of the main funds we invest pensions in is our flagship Balanced Fund. 

If your pension was invested in the Balanced Fund since it launched in 1989, you would have seen more growth than the sector average.

Source: Source: Zurich and MoneyMate, July 2023. Performance figures quoted are from fund inception date of 1/11/1989 until 03/07/2023. Annual management fees apply; the fund growth shown above is gross of any annual management charge. Returns are based on offer to offer performance and do not represent the return achieved by individual policies linked to the fund.

Life Assurance and Pensions of the Year, InBUSINESS Awards, 20241

Investment & Pension Provider Excellence Awards, Brokers Ireland, 2023*


We are part of the Zurich Insurance Group, who are Internationally rated AA/stable† Financial Strength by Standard & Poor's, 20242

Award-winning investment team with over 40 years’ experience

Funds under management of approximately €38 billion3

We are part of the Zurich Insurance Group, who are a signatory to the UN Principles of Responsible Investment4

You might want to know

Here for you at every step of life's journey

We have a range of pre- and post-retirement solutions at Zurich to help you plan for and enjoy your retirement.  We recommend that you reach out to your financial broker/advisor or our own financial planning team for more information. Find out more about our post-retirement options here.

Don't put off what you can do today

Sound advice is invaluable. Take the next step.

1. If your pension is with a financial broker, contact them about topping up. Don’t have their details? Look them up on our advisor finder below.

2. If you've already got a pension through your employer, we recommend you talk to your HR representative.

Or alternatively, contact us directly using the options below.

Contact our Financial Planning team directly

Arrange for us to contact you

Find an advisor in your locality

*Investment Provider Excellence Award, Brokers Ireland, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023. No awards held in 2020. Pension Provider Excellence Award, Brokers Ireland, 2023.

1Life Assurance and Pensions of the Year, InBUSINESS Recognition Awards, 2024.

2Zurich Life is owned by Zurich Insurance Company Limited, which has an internationally recognised financial strength rating of AA/Stable  by Standard & Poor's, January 2024.

3Funds under management of approximately €38 billion, of which pension assets amount to €32.8 billion (as at 30th June 2024).

4Zurich Insurance Company Limited is a signatory to the UN Principles of Responsible Investment since 2012 and Zurich Life in Ireland maintain a key focus in this area.

The information contained herein is based on Zurich's understanding of current Revenue practice as at 01 January 2024 and may change in the future.

Warning: Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance.
Warning: This product may be affected by changes in currency exchange rates.
Warning: The value of your investment may go down as well as up.
Warning: If you invest in these products you may lose some or all of the money you invest.
Warning: The income you get from this investment may go down as well as up.