Investment Performance Calculator

Monitoring the ongoing value of your pension is very important. Our Investment Fund Performance Calculator helps you keep informed.

  • 10 Years
  • 15 Years
  • 20 Years
Annualised Performance as at 1st June 2024

Source: Financial Express as on 1st June 2024.

The Financial Express sector average shown is the average of all funds in the individual pensions managed balanced category.

The Balanced Fund is just one of a range of investment funds offered by Zurich Life. Find out more about the Balanced fund here.

Annualised Performance as at 1st June 2024

Source: Financial Express as on 1st June 2024

The Financial Express sector average shown is the average of all funds in the individual pensions managed balanced category.

The Balanced Fund is just one of a range of investment funds offered by Zurich Life. Find out more about the Balanced fund here.

Annualised Performance as at 1st June 2024

Source: Financial Express as on 1st June 2024

The Financial Express sector average shown is the average of all funds in the individual pensions managed balanced category.

The Balanced Fund is just one of a range of investment funds offered by Zurich Life. Find out more about the Balanced fund here.

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Annual management charges (AMC) apply. The fund returns shown are net of the AMC deducted by each provider in their unit prices. This will vary for each provider, and any difference will impact the relative performance of the funds shown. The fund returns are based on an investment in the funds and do not represent the returns achieved by individual policies linked to the funds. These fund returns may be before the full AMC is applied to a policy. The actual returns on policies linked to the specified fund will be lower because of the effects of charges and in some cases a higher management charge.

Returns are based on an investment in the funds and do not represent the returns achieved by individual policies linked to the funds.

Warning: Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance.
Warning: Benefits may be affected by changes in currency exchange rates.
Warning: The value of your investment may go down as well as up.
Warning: If you invest in these products you may lose some or all of the money you invest.