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When life takes an unexpected turn, accelerated serious illness cover from Zurich Ireland can bring you peace of mind in a difficult time.

What is it?

Accelerated serious illness cover is usually available as an optional benefit that can be purchased as part of a life insurance policy. If it is added to a policy, then the sum insured is payable on death or earlier if the life assured is diagnosed with a serious illness covered by the policy.

How it works

If you took out a life insurance policy to the value of €150,000, and you include accelerated serious illness cover of €100,000, if you are diagnosed with a serious illness covered by the policy, you could claim €100,000 serious illness benefit. If you subsequently pass away during the policy term, the remaining €50,000 will be paid to your beneficiaries.

Get advice about accelerated serious illness cover

Working out what type of cover you need and how much you should pay for this protection can seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Our advisors are on hand to answer any of your questions and to talk you through your options. You can find a financial advisor near you with the Zurich Advisor Finder. Our Financial Planning Team can also provide you with more information or alternatively you can call us directly on 1850 804 164.

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