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What is Income Protection?


Income Protection is a type of life insurance policy that pays you money each month if you are unable to work due to illness or injury. This payment continues until you are fit enough to return to work again.


You might get sick pay from your employer or have some savings in the bank to fall back on – but will this be enough? Outlays such as your mortgage, bills and the weekly food shop might mean you still need to supplement sick pay or savings.

man in coffee shop on phone

What does it cover?


You could use the money to pay your bills, or cover expenses you might build up around medical treatment. You could also use it to keep doing the things that make you happy.


However you decide to use your money, it’s there to support you and your family so you can focus on getting better.

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How does it work?


While you’re healthy, you pay a premium every month, or each year if you prefer.


If you are unfortunate to fall ill or become injured and are unable to work during the term of your plan, you can then make a claim and receive a monthly income until you’re fit to return to work or you reach the end of the plan.


While you’re getting your monthly income, you don’t pay any premiums to us. When your illness ends and you return to work, you start paying premiums again.

Benefits of Income Protection with Zurich

Rehabilitation nurses

We have access to a team of rehabilitation nurses who specialise in early intervention services. They can meet you in your home and help put a plan in place to get you back to work.

Treatment costs

We can fund the costs of treatment with a local physiotherapist,  psychologist or counsellor which we can arrange in conjunction with your own GP.

Specialist costs

We may be able to pay for you to attend a specialist doctor if it will help you avoid a long waiting list and will assist you in getting better faster.

Proportionate payment

If you return to work on a reduced salary, whether in your current occupation or an alternative occupation, you may be eligible for a proportionate benefit payment.

Cover increases

You can increase your cover if something big happens, so if you get a pay rise or a bigger mortgage, you can increase your level of protection too (subject to certain limits).


Unlimited claims 

There is no limit to how many times you can make a claim.

Income Protection insurance with Zurich

Excellent claims service
Internationally rated AA/stable† Financial Strength1
Market leading pricing

Existing customers?

How does the application process work?

Provide some information such as your employment status, your occupation and annual salary.

Get a quote from Zurich.

Contact a financial advisor and complete our proposal form.

Choose an Income Protection plan

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Personal Income Protection


This is suitable if you are self-employed or if you are in a job that doesn’t provide an income protection plan for you.


You will pay the premiums, but you can get tax relief at your marginal rate on the premiums you pay.


Claiming tax relief is really important as it reduces the cost to you by the rate you pay tax at - so either 20% or 40%. For example, if you are a higher rate tax payer, a monthly premium of €50 would effectively only cost you €30 because of tax relief at 40%.


If you need to claim, we will pay your income protection benefit directly to you, after tax, USC and any other relevant deductions.

female manager talking to office employees

Executive Income Protection


This is designed for employers who want to provide an income protection plan for employees.


The premiums are paid for by the employer and qualify as business expenses that can be offset against corporation tax. The employer can also elect to have pension contributions covered under this plan.


If you need to claim, we will pay the income benefit to your employer, who passes it onto you as the employee through salary, making any relevant deductions such as tax and USC.


To ensure that employer pension contributions are maintained while an employee is off sick, you can cover up to 100% of the employer pension contribution with Executive Income Protection. You can cover up to 35% of the employee’s salary to a maximum of €50,000.

Apply for mortgage protection insurance

Arrange for us to contact you or call 0818 804 164

Not sure where to start?

Frequently asked questions

Learn more about Income Protection

1Zurich Life is owned by Zurich Insurance Company Limited, which has an internationally recognised financial strength rating of AA/stable† by Standard & Poor's, January 2025.

The information contained herein is based on Zurich Life's understanding of current Revenue practice as at March 2025 and may change in the future.