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Do I need life insurance?

When deciding if you need life insurance you should consider first what it is that you want to protect, then you can work out what type of cover might suit.

Life insurance is protection for the term of the insurance cover. If you die during the term of the policy, the insurance company will pay a tax-free sum to your beneficiaries. But, if you outlive the term of the policy, you will not receive any payment.

How much life cover do I need, how much will I have to pay per month and who will the life cover protect? No doubt you'll have lots of questions initially as you decide on the right kind of life insurance. Our handy life cover quote can help you work out how much life cover could cost. Also, our advisors are on hand to talk you through your options and to help you find the product that suits you the best. Find an advisor in your area, or call us directly at 1850 804 164.

Learn more about Life Insurance.

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