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If you're a parent, much of your working life will be dedicated to looking after the financial needs of your family. What would happen to your dependents if you were to pass away or become ill during those important years? Pension Term Protection from Zurich Life insurance brings peace of mind, with the knowledge that your family will be cared for financially should these unfortunate events occur.

What is Pension Term Protection?

Pension Term Protection is life insurance that covers the period of time up until retirement. If you die during this term (i.e. before retirement), your family will receive a payment to ensure they do not suffer financial hardship. Tax relief is available at the marginal rate of tax on the premiums you pay, as the plan is structured as a pension product.

How does Pension Term Protection work?

Pension Term Protection is life insurance designed to protect your family financially if you die before you retire. Under this plan, you pay a set amount on a regular basis (usually by direct debit) until you retire. If you die during this specified term, the policy will pay out so that your dependents are cared for financially.

Pension Term Protection product features

  • Secure: Protection for your family during the key years before retirement.
  • Tax-efficient: Tax relief on life insurance premiums (up to Revenue limits).
  • Peace-of-mind: Your family will receive a lump sum if you pass away or become seriously ill.
  • Cost-effective: Life cover at a very reasonable price, depending on your age and circumstances.

Who is Pension Term Protection for?

This kind of life insurance is suitable for people who are looking for cover up to their retirement age. It will appeal to those who want to ensure that their family will be cared for financially, should they die during their working life.

Help and Advice

How much life cover do I need? How much will I have to pay per month? Who will the life cover protect? You'll have lots of questions when it comes to choosing the right kind of life insurance. Our advisors are on hand to talk you through your options and to help you find the product that suits you the best. Find an advisor in your area, or call us directly at 1850 804 164

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