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Having the right life insurance policies in place is important and identifying what cover will meet your needs is the first consideration. Depending on the primary need the policy is designed to meet, they can be divided into different categories including: life insurance, serious illness cover, mortgage and business protection.

A Term Life Insurance or Term Protection plan brings you life insurance over an agreed term. If you die or become ill during this term, your family will be provided for financially. It may make sense to avail of this cover for your key working years, when you have dependents who rely on your income. Find out more about this plan. 

People are living longer than ever before. As a result, the chance of being diagnosed with a serious illness at some point in your life is greater. Many illnesses that were once incurable can now be treated successfully. However, this can lead to additional expenses while you recuperate. Find out more about Serious Illness Cover. 

Pension Term is life insurance that covers the period of time up until retirement. If you die during this term, your family will receive a payment to ensure they do not suffer financial hardship. There is tax relief available on the premiums you pay under this plan. Learn more about Pension Term Insurance. 

Whole of life cover is an insurance plan that lasts for a whole lifetime, and is not limited to a specific term. If you pass away this policy will provide a lump sum payment to your family. This plan will also protect your loved ones from the burden of inheritance tax. Find out more about Whole of Life Cover. 

A life Insurance plan may cost less than you think. Use our handy Life Cover Calculator to estimate how much your premium will be.

Our inheritance tax liability calculator will give you an estimate of the level of inheritance tax your family may be liable for.

Cancer Cover from Zurich Life can help you financially, giving you one less thing to worry about and letting you concentrate on the main thing – getting better. Find out more about Cancer Cover. 

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