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Co-director Insurance

Protect your business with Co-director Insurance

A strong board of directors forms the strategic and financial life-blood of any company. The sudden loss of a director through death, or ill health can potentially have very negative consequences on a business. Co-director Insurance from Zurich Life will allow the company to buy a director's shares from their next-of-kin if these unfortunate events occur. This will bring stability to the business, as the remaining directors gain full control of the company. And it could be a good option for the family of the deceased, who may not have the desire or expertise to take on this role.

What is Co-director Insurance?

This is business-specific life insurance that can provide compensation to shareholders of a company. If one of the directors dies, a lump sum will be released, enabling the surviving directors to buy the deceased person's shares from their next-of-kin.

How does it work?

Co-director Insurance can be taken out at any stage of your company's lifetime. You will pay a premium on a regular basis, based on the cover that is required and the value of the shares of the director. If the unexpected happens and this director dies, the policy will provide a lump sum to compensate for this event. This can be used to buy the deceased directors' shares from his/her next-of-kin.

Product features

  • Peace of Mind: Company directors know they will be in the position to keep control of the company.
  • Ease and Choice: The deceased's successor is not obliged to become involved in the business.
  • Stability: The remaining directors can retain ownership of the company and provide continuity for the business.
  • Options: This insurance can also provide serious illness cover.

Who is Co-director
Insurance for?

This is business-specific life insurance that can provide compensation to shareholders of a company. If one of the directors dies, a lump sum will be released, enabling the surviving directors to buy the deceased person's shares from their next-of-kin.

Why take out Co-director Insurance?

The death of a director may bring distress and grief to any organisation. As well as that, it could jeopardize the security and direction of the company. If the deceased director was a majority stakeholder, the remaining directors may lose control of the company if next-of-kin were to take over. The deceased's family may be unfamiliar with the business, and may have cash-flow problems after losing his/her income. Co-Director Insurance makes it possible for the directors to buy the shares from the family, which could be the best option for all concerned.

Other ways to protect your business

Zurich Life can offer your business several other ways to safeguard its people and interests, as well as Co-Director Insurance. Key Person Insurance, Corporate Co-director Insurance and Partnership Insurance are just some of the plans we offer. Our advisors are on hand to talk you through your options and to help you choose the right plans for your business. Find an advisor in your area, or call us directly at 1850 804 164.

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