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Underinsurance means you are not fully protected in the event of loss or damage occurring to your home (buildings and/or contents including your personal possessions such as jewellery, sports equipment, pedal cycles).

Take time when first arranging your policy to check if the amounts you intend to insure your home for are adequate. Remember, failing to arrange adequate cover for your home may lower your chances of covering the cost of repairs or entirely replacing your home in the event of loss or damage (including its contents and personal possessions).

Underinsurance video cover

Watch our short explainer video to help you avoid being underinsured. Let us help you find the right cover to protect your world.

4 things to consider to avoid underinsurance

1. Work out how much home insurance cover you need

The amount you insure your home for must include the full cost of rebuilding the property, including the cost of site clearance and architects’ fees. This is not to be confused with the market value. The market value refers to the amount your home is likely to sell for which takes into account the land your home sits on.

The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (SCSI) provides both a House Rebuild Guide and a House Rebuild Calculator to assist you in insuring the buildings of your home. They also provide a link to find an expert should you determine your home is best assessed by a local Chartered Quantity Surveyor.

2. Additions and upgrades may change your insurance need

Upgrades or additions to your home, including contents and personal possessions, may change the amount you need to insure your home for. Items such as a new sofa, laptop, television, or carpets may increase the cost to replace all contents as new. Installing a new kitchen, office, bathroom or fitted wardrobes may require a review of the cost to rebuild your home. Use our home contents calculator to easily estimate the value of your home contents and the SCSI home rebuild calculator to estimate the cost of rebuilding the property.

3. Review your policy cover regularly

Whilst underinsurance relates to the amounts you have insured your home for, it is still important to review your policy cover regularly to ensure it continues to meet your needs, especially if you have made any additions or upgrades. You can do so by reviewing your policy documentation (Policy Schedule and Statement of Fact) together with your policy booklet.

4. Keep us informed

Keeping us informed of changes to your home, such as those listed above, will mean you are best protected in the event of a loss or damage.




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