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Absolute Return Funds

Absolute return funds aim to yield real returns for investors, regardless of whether markets are rising or falling. These funds will appeal to people who are more comfortable with lower levels of risk. Similarly, diversified assets funds will suit people wishing to gain exposure to more diversified assets than a typical managed fund.

This fund invests in the BlackRock Strategic Funds ('BSF') Dynamic Diversified Growth Fund, an actively managed fund with a transparent and a well-diversified portfolio.

It seeks to achieve performance from a diversified portfolio of global equities, government and non-government bonds, alternative assets, financial derivatives and cash to provide growth, diversification and protection strategies.

The alternative assets may include commodities, hedge funds & volatility strategies, high yield bonds, investment grade corporate bonds and emerging market equities.

  • Actively managed by BlackRock
  • Asset class: multi-asset

The Active Asset Allocation Fund is an actively managed fund which aims to achieve growth through capital gains and income from a well-diversified portfolio of global equities, government bonds, property shares, cash and alternative assets. The alternative assets currently may include oil, gold, inflation-linked government bonds, water, soft commodities, industrial metals and corporate bonds. Our investment team assess the asset allocation on a continuous basis.

  • Actively managed, diversified unit-linked fund.
  • Offers access to the performance of a wide range of asset classes without the large administrative costs incurred dealing directly in the asset classes.

BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Warning: Benefits may be affected by changes in currency exchange rates.
Warning: The value of your investment may go down as well as up.
Warning: If you invest in these funds you may lose some or all of the money you invest.

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