Specialist Equity Funds
Equities have the potential to drive real growth in your investment portfolio and often out-perform safer investments such as cash and bonds over the long term. Investing in equities means that you can receive capital growth through potential increases in the share price, and you may also gain from any potential dividends paid by the individual companies.
Specialist Equity Funds allow the investor to focus on a specific sector, such as technology. That way, the investor can gain exposure to companies in industries that have the potential for rapid growth, or may be of particular interest to the investor.
Indexed toptech 100
The Indexed TopTech 100 Fund is a unit-linked fund that gives you the opportunity to participate in the performance of some of the largest American and Global non-financial companies listed in the US. Information technology companies make up a significant proportion of the fund. The fund currently invests in an Invesco Exchange Traded Fund (ETF). The Invesco ETF is passively managed and aims to track an index, but may not always track it. Zurich Life reserves the right to replace this ETF with another fund at any stage. This fund invests some of its assets outside the eurozone so a currency risk arises for a euro investor. The unit-linked fund can have exposure to cash as part of the management of the fund.