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High Yield Equity Funds

Investing in equities essentially means buying shares in companies trading on the stock market. Equities have the potential to drive real growth in your investment portfolio and often outperform safer investments such as cash and bonds over the long term. Investing in equities means that you can receive capital growth through potential increases in the share price and from any potential dividends paid.

High Yield equity funds employ an investment strategy with a focus on dividends. They are designed to offer investors competitive returns through participation in a portfolio of higher dividend-yielding global equities that have the capacity to pay and sustain growing dividends over time. Choose from our expertly selected High Yield funds below.

The Dividend Growth Fund is an actively managed fund which aims to achieve growth through capital gains and income, from participation in a managed portfolio of equities, the dividend yields of which tend to be higher than their markets' dividend yield and, in addition, have the capacity to further increase dividends.

  • Concentration on quality, above their market average, dividend-yielding equities.
  • Indicative equity range: 80% - 100% of the value of the fund.
  • Actively managed global equity fund by Zurich Life.

Warning: Benefits may be affected by changes in currency exchange rates.
Warning: The value of your investment may go down as well as up.
Warning: If you invest in these funds you may lose some or all of the money you invest.

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