Asia Pacific Equity Funds
Investing in equities essentially means buying shares in companies trading on the stock market. Equities have the potential to drive real growth in your investment portfolio and often out-perform safer investments such as cash and bonds over the long term. Investing in equities means that you can receive capital growth through potential increases in the share price, and you may also gain from any potential dividends paid by the individual companies.
Investors looking to invest in companies in the Asia Pacific region may choose from the following expertly selected, actively managed and diverse funds.
5 Star 5 Asia Pacific
The 5 Star 5 Asia Pacific Fund is a unit-linked fund, focusing on the Asia Pacific region and normally holds up to 50 equities in five different sectors.
- Actively managed fund by Zurich Life.
- Indicative equity range: 80% - 100% of the value of the fund.
- Select group of 50 equities from the Asia Pacific region.
- Focus is on sector and stock selection skills.
Asia Pacific Equity
The Asia Pacific Equity Fund is an actively managed fund which aims to achieve growth through capital gains and income from a well-diversified portfolio of Asia Pacific equities and equity-based financial instruments.
- Actively managed fund by Zurich Life.
- Invests exclusively in Asia Pacific (Ex-Japan) equities.
- Indicative equity range: 80% - 100% of the value of the fund.
- A maximum of 10% of the fund in any one individual equity.