Secure Fund
The Secure Fund is a cash fund with unit prices guaranteed never to fall.
Main features
- Managed by Zurich Life
- Invests in deposits, money market instruments and short-dated fixed income government securities.
- Unit prices in this fund are guaranteed never to fall. (Annual management charges (AMC) apply).
- Risk rating: 1
How it works
This fund is invested in deposits with leading institutions, money market instruments, and short-dated fixed income securities issued by governments of the euro currency block.
No non-euro exposure is permitted in this fund.
In terms of currency the fund is managed from the point of view of a eurozone investor.
Annualised Performance (%)*
*Notes: Annual management charges (AMC) apply. The fund performance shown is before the full AMC is applied on your policy.
Returns are based on offer/offer performance and do not represent the return achieved by individual policies linked to the fund.
The fund price/performance shown is for the Pension / Gross of Tax Funds category.
*Source: Zurich Life
**Note: Asset Splits are updated quarterly.
Current Fund Price* (as at 10/05/2024)