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Switching funds

Fund switches may seem confusing, but you can get advice from a financial advisor who can take you through the funds available and help you select the one that suits you.

Can I switch the funds my policy is invested?

You can move your unit holdings among the different investment unit funds available. This gives you extra flexibility to change the return-risk profile of your investment as your needs change.

The first four switches you make in each policy year are free of charge. A charge will be made for each subsequent switch. This charge is currently €20 and was last set on 1st January 2002; it is guaranteed not to increase by more than the increase in the Consumer Price Index since the charge was last set.

Choosing your funds

We have a large range of investment options and funds to choose from. You can find our full range of funds here. Choosing which funds to switch to is a big decision so its advisable to speak to your financial advisor and use our fund performance calculator to help decide which funds are best suited to you and to see how those funds are performing.

How do I switch funds?

If you want to find out details of your policy, you can login to your secure online access.

Fund switches are usually made through your financial advisor or broker, but if you decide to do it yourself you can email us with the request. If we have your email address on file, we can accept your email with a clear instruction to switch. If we don’t have your email address on file, we can accept your email once you have a clearly signed instruction attached to the email. You can also call Customer Support on 01 799 2711 to do a fund switch over the phone.

When a request to switch funds is received before 5pm, it will transact at the next day’s unit prices, which reflect the close of markets on the day the request is received. Click here for more information.



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