When you wish to make a single premium top up into your personal pension or PRSA (individually owned) please note that all payments should come from the policy owners personal bank account.
You can also if you wish complete this useful document which allows you to provide us with further information/instructions in relation to this single premium top up.
So that we can track and allocate the payment once made, send us an email to both escashiers@zurich.com and customerservices@Zurich.ie quoting the following:
- (A) exact amount of the EFT payment and
- (B) supporting instructions (if relevant) and
- (C) the Zurich Reference Number or the client’s full name and date of birth.
When you wish to make a single premium top up into your Company Paid/Executive Pension please note that all payments should come from the company bank account.
Please note that we will also require details of any retained benefits you might have as well as recent proof of salary, this information is required in order to allow us to perform a funding quote for Revenue purposes.
You can also if you wish complete this useful document which allows you to provide us with further information/instructions in relation to this single premium top up.
So that we can track and allocate the payment once made, send us an email to both escashiers@zurich.com and customerservices@Zurich.ie quoting the following:
- (A) exact amount of the EFT payment and
- (B) supporting instructions (if relevant) and
- (C) the Zurich Reference Number or the client’s full name and date of birth.
When you wish to make a single premium top up into your Investment/Savings plan please note that all payments should ideally come from the policyowner(s) bank account and we will require Full Certified AML for the policyowner(s) (Proof of Address dated within 6 months & (in date) Proof of ID, such as a copy of your passport or Driving Licence).
Source of Funds is needed on all top ups for these policies where the top up is not being paid by personal cheque in the name of the policy owner (e.g. EFT, bank draft or postal order) then please provide us with the IBAN, BIC & Account Holder name from which the payment was made.
Source of Wealth is required where the top up is for €5000 or more. Please see our Source of Wealth Guide for further information on this.
You can also if you wish complete this useful document which allows you to provide us with further information on the Source of Wealth & Source of Funds if you wish, otherwise you can confirm this information through either your financial advisor, by post or by your registered email on file.
Note: if the top up is being paid by a third party, then we will also require full AML for the third party.
So that we can track and allocate the payment once made, send us an email to both escashiers@zurich.com and customerservices@Zurich.ie quoting the following:
- (A) exact amount of the EFT payment and
- (B) supporting instructions (if relevant) and
- (C) the Zurich Reference Number or the client’s full name and date of birth.
The information contained herein is based on Zurich Life's understanding of current Revenue practice and may change in the future.