Christmas opening hours

The Zurich phone lines will be closed 24-27 of December. View our full Zurich Christmas opening hours. Our Car, Home, Van and Farm insurance claims and emergency assistance helpline is available 24/7. Call 01 609 1436.

Policy fees and charges

We’ve outlined below our fees and charges that may apply if you make changes to your policy.

Change to your policy Fees
Duplicate documents
(e.g. if you have lost your insurance certificate)
No charge
Temporary or permanent additional drivers
(for example, if you want a family member to drive your car for the weekend)
Minimum admin fee
Cancellation fee
(Home Insurance)
(within 1st year)
Cancellation fee
(Car Insurance)
(within 1st year)
Direct debit default charge  €20.00

If you are in any doubt, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 053 915 7775 or 0818 400 000.

Terms, conditions and underwriting criteria apply.