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Annuity is a popular retirement choice in that it offers complete peace of mind. 

How does it work?

An Annuity guarantees a secure income for the rest of your life, no matter how long you live. This is a very attractive option, but any remaining funds cannot be passed on to family. You have the option of choosing an Annuity that increases at a set rate each year, guarantees payment for a specific number of years or can provide a percentage of your income to your spouse after you die.


There are three choices you need to make when purchasing an Annuity:

Single Life

A Single Life Annuity is payable for the rest of your life only. With a Joint Life Annuity, a percentage of your pension is payable to your spouse after you die.

Guaranteed Period

If you choose to include a guaranteed period, your pension will be payable for a minimum of the guaranteed period, even if you die during that time.

Escalating or Level

A Level Annuity means your payments remain the same throughout your life. An Escalating Annuity means your payments increase at a fixed rate each year.

Engaging employees all the way to retirement

Zurich’s bespoke Connect website has a wealth of information to engage employees getting ready to retire. Employees can check if they are on track for retirement, if an Approved Retirement Fund or Annuity might be more suitable for them, and watch some educational videos.

Get in touch

Contact your Scheme Advisor to learn more about Corporate Solutions from Zurich.

Alternatively, contact Zurich below:

Warning: Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance.
Warning: Benefits may be affected by changes in currency exchange rates.
Warning: The value of your investment may go down as well as up.
Warning: If you invest in these products you may lose some or all of the money you invest.