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Last week saw US equities down -1.6% in euro terms as strong data in the US jobs market led many to anticipate further action from the Federal Reserve, writes Ian Slattery. 
US stocks ended the midpoint of 2023 on a positive note as improved macroeconomic data saw US stocks rally, writes Ian Slattery. 
Last week saw US equities have their poorest performance since the March banking turmoil, as investor sentiment lowered on recession fears, writes Ian Slattery. 

Zurich Life Assurance plc won the Financial Services Company of the year at the InBUSINESS Recognition Awards, 2023.

Last week saw US stocks officially enter bull market territory as a weighted index of the top 500 US companies reached 20% above October lows, with sentiment broadly higher as a result, writes Ian Slattery. 
Last week saw US stocks reach their highest level in 2023 as economic indicators surprised to the upside, writes Ian Slattery. 
US equities finished the week on a positive note as news of a potential deal between Republicans and Democrats regarding the US debt ceiling filtered through to markets, writes Ian Slattery. 

At Zurich, we’ve learned a lot about the impact of the Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision (IORP) II on pensions over the past 24 months.

Last week saw somewhat of a puzzling week for investors with interest rates raised by 25 basis points, writes Ian Slattery. 
The busiest week of Q1 earnings season saw technology companies post better than expected reports for the first quarter of 2023, writes Ian Slattery. 

March saw the first quarter of 2023 close out positively for equities despite turmoil in the banking sector, writes Richard Temperley.

Last week saw US equities down slightly, returning -1.0% in euro terms on the back of mixed corporate earnings reports, writes Ian Slattery.