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Information for customers intending to drive in the UK & NI post Brexit

Read below to find out more about driving in the UK (including Northern Ireland) after Brexit.


The UK Government now accepts valid Insurance Discs for Irish registered vehicles travelling in the UK (including Northern Ireland) as proof of insurance.

That means that for all our policyholders who have an up-to-date Insurance Disc, a Green Card is no longer required. Provided you ensure that you keep your most up-to-date Insurance Disc displayed on your windscreen, you will meet these requirements – displaying your Insurance Disc is required by Irish Road Traffic Law.

Please continue to check this webpage where we will keep our customers informed of any developments and communicate any further news if it arises.

The information below should help answer any questions you might have in relation to driving in the UK, Green Cards, and the importance of your Insurance Disc.


What is a Green Card?

A Green Card is an internationally recognised insurance document, which provides proof of the minimum compulsory motor insurance cover required by the country visited. It is a physical, A4-sized document which is printed on green paper or with a green background.

Will I need a Green Card after Brexit?

Based on the updated agreement from the UK Government, a Green Card will not be required. For anyone with a motor insurance policy, a valid Irish motor Insurance Disc will be accepted by the legal authorities in the UK as valid proof of insurance.

Why is a Green Card no longer required?

The position of the UK Government has evolved and they will accept valid Irish motor Insurance Discs as proof of insurance. Previously, this was not the position and a Green Card would have been necessary.

Will my Green Card still work?

Yes - valid Green Cards will continue to be accepted by the legal authorities in the UK as proof of valid insurance cover. However, anyone with an Irish registered vehicle who has a valid Insurance Disc for the vehicle they are driving, will not require a Green Card.

For anyone who does intend to use their Green Card as proof of insurance cover, it is important to note that Green Cards are associated with specific motor insurance policies and are specific to individual vehicles. Therefore they expire at the same time as the policy that was in place when the Green Card was issued. If you have renewed your motor insurance policy since you received your Green Card, then it may no longer be in date. You should check the expiry date listed on your Green Card to be on the safe side.

I was charged for my Green Card, can I get a refund?

Zurich Insurance did not charge any fees for issuance of Green Cards to customers insured with us directly.  However, customers insured with Zurich through a broker, may have incurred a cost in obtaining a Green Card from their specific Broker. If this is the case and you wish to query whether a refund is available, please contact your Broker directly.

What cover do I have while driving in the UK?

The full level of cover, as detailed in your policy documentation, will apply while you drive in the UK. However, Emergency Assistance will only apply in Northern Ireland, not in the rest of the UK.

I drive to the UK / Northern Ireland every day, how will this impact me?

The UK (including Northern Ireland) is included in the Territorial Limits of your policy, meaning that there is no limit applying to how often you drive there.

Will I require a Green Card if I intend to bring my vehicle to another part of the EU after Brexit?

No, your Insurance Disc will suffice as proof of valid insurance when driving in the EU, as it will in the UK. Please note that your Zurich Private Car policy extends cover for 30 days foreign travel within the EU. Travel outside of the EU and the UK is not covered under your motor policy, unless specifically approved by us. Along with Ireland, driving in the UK is covered under your Territorial Limits, so no limit applies as to how often you can drive there.

What happens if I change my vehicle?

If you change your vehicle, we will issue you with a new Certificate of Insurance and Insurance Disc immediately. It is a legal requirement to display a valid Insurance Disc, so as soon as this is received you should display it on your windscreen.

Are additional drivers on my policy covered by the Insurance Disc when driving in the UK?

Yes, the cover extends to any person who is noted as an additional driver on the Certificate of Insurance.  

I have a United Kingdom/Northern Ireland licence but am a permanent resident of the Republic of Ireland – should I exchange my licence?

Yes, our recommendation is that you should exchange your licence as soon as possible. For more information, please read the Road Safety Authorities advice on this matter, available at



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