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HomeStart Assistance provides you with the peace of mind that if your car breaks down or won’t start at your home, we can come and help.

What's insured?

If you are covered for HomeStart Assistance as part of your car insurance policy, and if the mechanical or electrical breakdown occurs in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland, we will provide 30 minutes roadside assistance free of charge.

Additional assistance

If the 30 minutes free assistance is unsuccessful, we will organise and pay the cost of bringing the insured vehicle to the nearest garage or to any garage of your choice if it is nearer.

Electric car breakdown

If you own a battery electric or plug-in hybrid electric model, we will pay the cost of bringing the insured vehicle to the nearest suitable garage for repairs or the nearest charge point within a 50km radius of your breakdown location. If the vehicle needs to be transported beyond a 50km, you will be responsible for the additional cost.

Outside the 50km radius

If immobilisation occurs more than 50km from your home address and roadside assistance proves unsuccessful, you may choose one of the following options when you contact us via the Roadside Breakdown Assistance Helpline: the cost of returning to your home address by public transportation, or the cost of accommodation for one night only subject to a limit of €65 per person. The most we will pay under either option is €130 in respect of any one breakdown.

Contact us

In the event of an emergency with your car you can call our 24 hour emergency assistance helpline on 01 609 1436 or 0818 208 408.

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