Zurich’s new Protection Report makes life easier

Based on market demand, Zurich have now added Protection products to their popular ‘Pre-sales Report’. The Pre-sales Report, which can only be accessed through the secure Broker Dashboard on ZurichBroker.ie, allows you to create bespoke, tailored, branded reports for prospective customers in a matter of minutes.

With the addition of Zurich’s Guaranteed Term Protection and Guaranteed Mortgage Protection products to the report builder, virtually all product categories are now covered – so Protection, Pensions, Savings, and Investments. The Pre-sales Report allows you to build a ‘pack’ for your customer that contains their tailored product Statement of Suitability, a straightforward jargon free recommendation report, an application form and a customer guide. The report is branded with your company logo and details, and is available as a pdf which can be easily printed.

“We were delighted to add Protection products to the report. Protection is an incredibly competitive market and the points of differentiation between the various companies can be minor. However, we think that by focusing on saving time for Financial Brokers, we can remain the protection provider of choice. It takes minutes to complete a full report for customers, and when you consider that this includes the statement of suitability, if it saves a Financial Broker up to an hour of administration time, then we’ve accomplished what we set out to do. Too much time is taken up with day to day admin, so we’ve spent a lot of time over the last few years focusing on this issue. Adding Protection products to the Pre-sales Report is just another way of Zurich freeing up Brokers’ time so they can spend it face to face with clients,” says Ronan O’Neill, Head of Retail and Corporate Marketing at Zurich.

To find out more about the Pre-sales Report, or any of the other tools that Zurich have made available, visit zurichbroker.ie or just speak to your Broker Consultant to arrange a demo for your business.