Working from home Webinar Series

Our Working from home webinar series continues next Thursday. Next up on our list is Pensions.

Join the Zurich TechTalk Team to hear about the issues facing Pension savers today - covering topics such as Covid-19 redundancy challenges, AVC opportunities, ARF's for today's retirees, and much more.

Pensions with Gerard Tyrrell and Richard O'Neill
30th April - 11am for 60 mins

Click here to register.

Having issues registering? Download our step-by-step guide by clicking here.

Test your system: Ahead of the webinar, we recommend that you check the compatibility of your PC using the 'test your system' link. If you are having issues on Internet Explorer you may find it works better using a different browser such as Chrome which is easily downloaded from Google. Simply search and follow the instructions given.

If you have any queries, please speak to your Zurich Broker Consultant.

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