TechTalk Enhanced Transfer Values from Defined Benefit Schemes

Defined Benefit (DB) schemes regularly review how to manage their future liabilities and one exercise that many will undertake is to offer deferred members an ETV (Enhanced Transfer Value). This amounts to their Standard Transfer Value based on their future pension entitlement under the scheme plus an additional incentive. This is normally offered for a limited period and many schemes will require members to obtain financial advice from an advisor appointed by the scheme before allowing them to accept.

In today's TechTalk we look at some examples and important points to consider when making a decision.

View TechTalk here.  

View a sample of our Defined Benefit transfer report

The purpose of the report is to help clients understand some of the advantages and disadvantages associated with remaining in the scheme and those associated with accepting the Transfer Value. It is important to understand that the report does not account for all the risks associated with remaining in the scheme, nor does it account for all the risks inherent in taking the Transfer Value.

View Sample report here.  

Try our Defined Benefit  Transfer Tool

Available from the “Advisor Tools” on our secure Broker site. Our Defined Benefit Transfer tool pulls together a comprehensive report for your clients. This has been designed to assist members of Defined Benefit pension schemes, if they are offered a Transfer Value or Enhanced Transfer Value to transfer from their scheme into a Personal Retirement Bond or similar pension vehicle.

Login and try it out.