Sending Zurich EFT payments

As September is our busiest time of year, here is a quick guide to sending us EFT payments. We've also created two handy templates to make topping up that bit easier! 

Sending us EFT payments

To make sending us EFT payments as easy as possible, we've put together the attached sales aid. This flyer shows the essential two steps that must be followed when sending us EFT payments. 
Click here to find out more

Pension top up template

Download our handy pension top up template. This useful template ensures you provide us with all the necessary information we need to make a top up quickly and efficiently. 
Click here to download

Executive Pension top up template

For Executive Pension top ups we require further information. The attached template is a helpful guide to ensure you provide all necessary information at the time of the top up. 
Click here to download