Policy issue and service notifications

Over the next few weeks we're asking you to provide us with the email address(es) so that you can receive these notifications – for more information, see below.

We are delighted to announce that on 25 February we are delivering the next phase in our digital communications journey i.e. service email notifications. 

Zurich Notification – New Policy Issued: This new email will notify you that a policy has issued on our system. The email will contain the policy number and life (lives) assured name.

Zurich Notification – Policy Transactions: This is a new summary email that will be sent at 8am each working day. The email will include a summary of the new policies that issued the previous working day and any DD Dishonours, Cash Renewals and Lapses processed on our system on the previous working day. Note: for security reasons there is no link provided within the emails to the broker centre. 

Action required

Set your email address to receive service notifications

Please provide us with the email address(es) that are to receive these notifications. This can be done by logging into the Broker Centre. Simply follow the steps below:

Step 1 – Login to the Secure Broker Centre.
Step 2 - Click 'View Settings' or ‘My Profile’ on the Zurich Dashboard. If you click on 'My Profile' then click 'Agent Notifications Settings'.

Step 3 – Decide if you want to set an email address for each individual agent code or set the same email address for All Agents (e.g. info@brokersdirect.zz).

Step 4 – Insert email address. If you want the service notifications to go to a second email address then please include in 'Email Address 2'.

Step 5 - Click ‘Confirm and Save’.

An activation email will be sent from noreply.notifications@zurich.com to the email address(es) you provided. The subject of the email address will be ‘Zurich Life: Email Activation Notice’. If you do not receive this email, please recheck the email address you provided on the Broker Centre.

Step 6 – Click on the link in this email to verify the email address. Note: This link is only valid for 7 days. Once you do this your email address is saved on our system for the service email notifications.

Important points to note

If you do not provide us with an email address you will not receive the service notifications from 25 February onwards.

As each agent code will require an email address, please consider who in your business should input the email address(es) e.g. one person to input all the email addresses or the individual agent to input the email address for their own agent code. Your Zurich Broker Consultant is on hand to give you advice on this.

It is important to decide who in your business should receive the service notifications.

Advise those in your business of the agreed process.

Service notifications will be issued for the following business: 

  • Protection
  • Savings
  • Lump Sum Investments
  • Post Retirement 
  • Pensions (Individual, Executive and Individual Fusion)
  • PRSAs (Individual and Group)

The existing DD Dishonour, Cash Renewals and Lapse reports will remain on the Broker Centre.

Please make 'noreply.notifications@zurich.com' a safe email so that it does not go into your spam folder. 

As we continue to develop our digital communications the email address provided may be used for future service related notifications from Zurich. 

Also coming 25 February

New - Set your preference for receipt of new policy documents:

We have received a lot of feedback from Financial Brokers who do not wish to receive printed ‘copy’ documents for new policies and so from 25 Feb onwards you will be able to set your preference for receipt of new business documents. We'll be in touch closer to the date with more detail. 

Help is at hand

Please click here for a step-by-step guide to inputting your service notification email address on the Broker Centre. This guide also demonstrates how to view the policy documentation online.

Your Zurich Broker Consultant is also on hand to help you if you have any queries, just give them a call.