Summer investment bond offer

To help you through the summer months, we've developed a range of supports, including special offers, a new school calculator and campaign material focusing on different investment themes.

Over the last number of years, the traditional 'quieter summer period' seems to have changed. At Zurich, we've seen year on year increases in business throughout the months of June, July and August - in particular within the savings and investment market.

To help prepare you for another summer of increased activity, we've developed a wide range of supports to help you, including special offers on investment bonds, a new Cost of Secondary Education Calculator, and campaign material focusing on different investment themes and ideas.

Investment bond offers

Our investment bond offer includes a brand new easy access structure unlike anything else in the market.

New calculator

We know that saving for a child’s education needs is one of the primary drivers for parents and to help you better position this, Zurich have launched an addition to our Cost of Education Calculator. The new secondary school savings calculator will help you position how much parents need to save so that they can cover the costs of schooling. Find our more here

House Deposit Builder

Buying a home, in particular, requires planning. The deposit required on a first house is at least 10% of the home value. So, whether your clients are saving for your own home or perhaps looking to put some money aside to help their children get on the property ladder, receiving the best advice from you is important. This handy brochure will give you're client's a snapshot of the property market and an overview of mortgage requirements. 

Time v's timing

Overcoming the challenge of time vs timing can be difficult. Autoinvest from Zurich is a phased investment strategy, where you drip feed your funds into the market over a period of time. With autoinvest, your money in your investment bond will be fully invested in a low risk cash fund* at the start date. Then, over a period of six or 12 months, your money is automatically drip-fed from the low risk fund into your higher risk fund choice until it is fully invested. Therefore, once committed, there are no further decisions to be made around when to invest. Click here to find out more.

Unit cost averaging

Navigating volatility with unit cost averaging and autoinvest need not be difficult. Clients can navigate volatile markets by spreading their investment over a period of time. This is known as cost-averaging. When applied to buying units in a fund, it is called unit cost averaging. Find out more here.

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