Enhanced client reporting

Our latest update to the client report includes a new historical values graph. This graph, on page six is entitled ‘How am I doing?’. It shows the client how their investment has performed since the inception of the policy. This new graph demonstrates the importance of long term investing and making your money work for you.

One of your most important commodities is time. Time spent in front of clients is essential, but nowadays you probably think that you spend too much time on other things. Over the years we have developed lots of solutions that support your advice process – whether it’s tools and calculators, customer and sales reports, or most recently, branding and sales leads generation.

You will be familiar with our client review available on the secure site. This is an automated client friendly report that covers all the important information about a clients policy. It can be generated in seconds and is branded with your logo.

Our latest update to the client report includes a new historical values graph. This graph, on page six is entitled ‘How am I doing?’. It shows the client how their investment has performed since the inception of the policy. This new graph demonstrates the importance of long term investing and making your money work for you.

The graph will include all pre-retirement pension products (RP and SP, Personal, Exec, AVC & PRSAs) for which you are the agent. The graph plots a monthly performance for the most recent two years and annually before that. For this reason you will notice more volatility in the most recent two years.

View a sample report here.