ARF fund rebalancing and updated application form now available

We are delighted to announce an enhancement to our Approved Retirement Fund (ARF) - the introduction of a fund rebalancing strategy. 

Our Fund Rebalancing Strategy is designed to enable your clients to manage their retirement fund portfolio with increased efficiency. Fund Rebalancing is an investment strategy which periodically rebalances the weighting of the funds in an investment portfolio. The portfolio will rebalance at a frequency of your client's choosing and in accordance with the fund split they selected, ensuring their investment preference and risk rating remains intact throughout the lifecycle of the policy. Funds can be rebalanced monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly.

Let’s look at the simple example below. If your target asset split was 50% Equity Fund and 50% Bond Fund and equity markets performed well during the period, the weighting in your Equity Fund may have increased. In this example, your Equity Fund weighting has increased to 70%. In this scenario, the Fund Rebalancing strategy will automatically reduce the weighting in the Equity Fund and increase the weighting in the Bond Fund to get the portfolio back to the target asset split of 50%/50%.


Updated sales literature

We've updated our ARF application form to include the new rebalancing option. In addition, you'll also notice a new section (Section I - Approved Retirement Fund PRSI Self Certification Form) that we've added in respect of recent PRSI changes. 

Since 1 January 2024, the PRSI age exemption for class S has increased from age 66 to age 70 with the exception of the below 2 categories:

  1. Those in receipt of the State Pension (Contributory)*
  2. Those who were aged 66 before 1 January 2024

As a result of these changes, we require this new section is completed so that the correct PRSI class is applied to the policy from your clients 66th birthday, or the start date of your policy if later.