Broker News

A round up of the latest news, views, commentary and analysis on the insurance, pensions and investment industry.

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US equities showed mixed performance last week as in the month of August markets have broken their upward track seen throughout much of 2023, writes Ian Slattery.

Today I'm delighted to let you know about two enhancements to our customer approval process.

Last week saw several major central banks deliver interest rate decisions. In the US, the Federal Reserve increased rates by 0.25% to a range of 5.25%- 5.50%, writes Ian Slattery.

US Stocks continued to march higher last week, returning 1.3% in Euro terms as investors priced in the likelihood of a ‘soft landing’ for the US economy, writes Ian Slattery.

Available for a limited time, Zurich Life is delighted to announce the launch of a new fund, Fixed Term (Series 1), to complement our suite of existing lower risk options.

Last week saw US equities finish positively as data suggested a cooling of inflation. On Wednesday, the release of consumer price index (CPI) data, saw markets enter a ‘risk-on’ session in the US, writes Ian Slattery. 
Last week saw US equities down -1.6% in euro terms as strong data in the US jobs market led many to anticipate further action from the Federal Reserve, writes Ian Slattery. 
The Irish Revenue incentivise pension saving by providing tax relief on contributions and tax-free investment growth on returns made; however, they do impose restrictions on how much you can save using a pension in terms of your contributions and the overall fund you can build.
US stocks ended the midpoint of 2023 on a positive note as improved macroeconomic data saw US stocks rally, writes Ian Slattery. 
Last week saw US equities have their poorest performance since the March banking turmoil, as investor sentiment lowered on recession fears, writes Ian Slattery. 

May was dominated by discourse surrounding the US debt ceiling as Republicans and Democrats in the US struggled to reach an agreement, writes Richard Temperley.

Zurich Life Assurance plc won the Financial Services Company of the year at the InBUSINESS Recognition Awards, 2023.