Broker News

A round up of the latest news, views, commentary and analysis on the insurance, pensions and investment industry.

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Political uncertainty remained in focus for markets as US-China trade faced challenges, and closer to home, Brexit talks enter a new phase. Ian Slattery reports. 

When it comes to investments, active asset allocation is more important than the active vs passive debate, writes Richard Temperley, Head of Investment Development.

The National Gallery of Ireland has announced the panel of judges for the 2018 Zurich Portrait Prize. Judges are Geraldine O'Neill, Sue Rainsford and Tanya Kiang. 

Will the G7 summit and the long awaited meeting of President Trump and Kim Jong Un in Singapore this week impact the markets, asks Ian Slattery? 

There is less than a month for artists to enter the prestigious Zurich Portrait Prize at the National Gallery of Ireland.

The markets experienced some volatility against a challenging political backdrop and trade tariffs are likely to dominate at the G7 Summit in Quebec, writes Ian Slattery. 

Equities were a mixed bag and oil paused for a breath, as politics dominated European markets. Ian Slattery reports. 

In his weekly round-up of the markets, Ian Slattery reports that equities moved higher, helped along by a stronger dollar.

Zurich once again was the headline sponsor for the Zurich Irish Rugby Awards 2018 when a fantastic night at the Clayton Hotel, Burlington Road, Dublin drew all the big names in Irish Rugby in an amazing Grand Slam year.

Last week weighed heavily on global returns, and while the US market was positive, the strength of the Euro meant flat returns for Irish investors. Ian Slattery reports.

Zurich was delighted to welcome Financial Brokers and Advisors to its 'Connecting for Growth' conference which took place in Cork, Dublin, Galway and Limerick.

David Warren explains why, in 2018, Zurich hope to continue to add value for advisors and customers by actively managing both active asset allocations and security selection.