Broker News

A round up of the latest news, views, commentary and analysis on the insurance, pensions and investment industry.

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Global markets fell as rising infection rates coupled with a deterioration in US-China relations erased gains from earlier in the week, writes Ian Slattery.
Rethink Ireland are today announcing the official opening of Round 2 of their Innovate Together Fund which was established to support social innovation projects from across Ireland who are acting in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

When it comes to planning your future, saving is a great place to start. Whatever your goals are, saving with Zurich Ireland is a smart move. The ‘Zurich Ireland Voice Services’ Action offers you multiple savings calculators to help when it comes to planning for your future.

‘Things will never be the same’. How many times have you heard that phrase or one similar over the last number of months? As we move out of lockdown we can be sure that many aspects of the old normality will return – traffic will increase again, towns will become busier - and life will begin again. However, recent research carried out by B&A has suggested that people are consciously preparing for their future in ways they would not have previously. 

Stocks closed out the week on a positive note on the back of Thursday’s jobs report, as US markets were closed on Friday due to the 4th July celebrations, writes Ian Slattery.

As we push into the summer months and lock down eases, now is the ideal time to Restart 2020. With remote working continuing to command how we work, we've planned three informative webinars in July to help you stay connected.

Since COVID-19 more people are reflecting and revaluating the important aspects of their lives. Family and health are priority and a person’s financial wellbeing is intrinsically linked to both, writes Maurice Ryan, Customer and Corporate Distribution Manager at Zurich.

The Deposit Plus Funds (Series 1 and 2) will be closing on July 13th.

Award-winning essayist, editor and renowned arts critic Sinéad Gleeson, who wins the Dalkey Literary Award for Emerging Writer with Constellations. Watch this video of her receiving the news of her win.
Novelist and short story writer Christine Dwyer Hickey, wins the Dalkey Literary Award for Novel of the Year with her novel The Narrow Land. Watch this video to see her receive the great news.
In this issue of TechTalk, we look at the treatment of Approved Retirement Funds (ARFs), Approved Minimum Retirement Funds (AMRF’s) and Vested PRSA’s on death and in particular examine the tax consequences on payments made as a result.
Zurich have launched the latest version of our innovative OnlineApply application system with a focus on regular savings. This latest iteration of our OnlineApply system includes a ‘signature free’ sign up facility.