Broker News

A round up of the latest news, views, commentary and analysis on the insurance, pensions and investment industry.

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Stocks rallied last week as the market drew positive conclusions from the results of Tuesday’s elections, writes Ian Slattery.
Ireland and Munster Rugby Player and Tackle Your Feelings ambassador, CJ Stander is encouraging people to rally around their loved ones and support one another, especially as we must now stay at home once again, due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. 

Zurich’s Active Asset Allocation (AAA) Fund recently celebrated its ten-year anniversary since the fund was first launched on October 20th, 2010.

Personal protection for your clients and their families makes up one of the key components of any strong financial plan.

Ensuring customers are able to maintain their protection in place is more important now than ever. Earlier his year, we introduced additional flexibility to the Reinstatement Clause to help customers. This additional flexibility was due to expire shortly but we are delighted to confirm that it will continue to apply for customers until the end of January 2021.
In this week’s TechTalk we tackle two topics that we get plenty of questions on daily - backdating tax relief, along with calculating scope for AVCs when you're a public servant.
Equities fell last week amid rising COVID case numbers and the continuing stalemate in US stimulus negotiations, writes Ian Slattery.

In this investment podcast recorded on October 19th 2020, Jacqueline Hogan, Investment Marketing Specialist and Ian Slattery, Investment Consultant discuss the effect of political events on investment markets. All the information contained in this podcast was accurate at the time of recording.

Garry Ringrose was voted Zurich Players’ Player of the Year, Caelan Doris was voted Young Player of the Year and the Irish Women’s XVs Player went to Cliodhna Moloney at the Zurich Irish Rugby Players Awards 2020.

UCD, Zurich Ireland and Z Zurich Foundation join forces to narrow the socio-economic gap on education outcomes for young people.

Given the challenges in getting a forecast of the economy exactly right, holding a diversified range of assets that move in different directions depending on market conditions can be helpful.

Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohue and Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath delivered the Budget for 2021 to the Dáil.