Broker News

A round up of the latest news, views, commentary and analysis on the insurance, pensions and investment industry.

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Markets moved higher again last week amid relatively benign volatility conditions, writes Ian Slattery.

Over the last decade we’ve seen a growing focus across the insurance world of companies developing and enhancing their serious illness protection propositions. While you’ll often hear the claim that ‘it’s not about the number of conditions’, sometimes the evidence goes against this.

We're delighted to today announce the extension of all existing offers until the end of September. We've also created a range of non branded videos for you based around the importance of protection and financial advice.

The Secure Fund will no longer be available after 13 August 2021. 
Despite it being a relatively light week for new economic data, the S&P 500 made a significant move on Thursday, writes Ian Slattery.
Markets moved higher last week, in a shortened trading period given global bank holidays, writes Ian Slattery.
Markets moved higher last week, in a shortened trading period given global bank holidays, writes Ian Slattery.

As you are no doubt aware, in late April it was announced that the EU Occupational Pension Schemes Regulations 2021 had been signed, thereby transposing the IORP II Directive into Irish Law. These new regulations make significant changes to the Pensions Act by inserting the terms of IORP II directly into the Pensions Act in Ireland.

Stocks finished the week in positive territory, in a session marked by lower trading volumes as a number of major markets prepared for the Bank Holiday weekend, writes Ian Slattery.
Our latest update to the client report includes a new historical values graph. This graph, on page six is entitled ‘How am I doing?’. It shows the client how their investment has performed since the inception of the policy. This new graph demonstrates the importance of long term investing and making your money work for you.
We're proud of our track record of paying claims. And this year is no different, with over €69m paid out in claims in 2020. 

Zurich Ireland recently supplied a range of resources including IT equipment to local schools with a view to supporting students on the Power to Progress (P2P) programme.