The SuperCAPP Fund is now closed to new business; this includes new premiums, single premium top ups to existing policies and switches into the fund on existing policies. Existing regular premiums are unaffected.
SuperCAPP Fund
The SuperCAPP Fund is a Unitised With-Profits fund that aims to deliver a regular return to policyholders consistent with prevailing medium-term interest rates while maintaining the potential for higher growth than a bank deposit account over time. Investment earnings on the SuperCAPP Fund are distributed to policyholders through Annual Dividends that aim to provide a steady accumulation of policy benefits from year to year. A Special Dividend may also be paid on withdrawal of money invested in the fund for five or more years. The SuperCAPP Fund achieves this by investing in equities, bonds and cash and using other financial instruments that seek to mitigate some of the associated investment risk of those assets. The fund's exposure to equity volatility is normally controlled by limiting maximum losses and gains for the majority of the equity portfolio. Although the percentage of investment earnings distributed to individual SuperCAPP policyholders will vary, SuperCAPP policyholders in aggregate will receive at least 95% of the earnings on their collective investment in the fund. In certain circumstances, such as a period of sustained market underperformance, encashment values may be reduced by the application of a Market Level Adjustment (MLA). The fund is managed prudently and Zurich Life does not expect to apply an MLA other than in exceptional circumstances. However, an MLA may be applied if the Head of Actuarial Function judges it necessary to balance the interests of all policyholders in the SuperCAPP Fund. An MLA will not be applied on death. This fund invests some of its assets outside the eurozone so a currency risk arises for a euro investor. As the fund is managed from the point of view of a euro investor any currency hedging that may be conducted will be into euros. This fund is managed by Zurich Life.
Current Fund Price* (as at 10/05/2024)
Annualised Performance (%)*
*Notes: Annual management charges (AMC) apply. The fund performance shown is before the full AMC is applied on your policy.
Returns are based on offer/offer performance and do not represent the return achieved by individual policies linked to the fund.
The fund price/performance shown is for the Pension / Gross of Tax Funds category.
*Source: Zurich Life
**Note: Asset Splits are updated quarterly.