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In order to provide protective visors as quickly as possible to nursing and care homes where there is an immediate need or shortage of PPE, schools and colleges across Ireland answered our call to get involved by utilising their own laser cutting equipment, along with materials provided by Zurich.

Research reveals one-in-ten Irish people have been the victims of online bullying, and as part of the Tackle Your Feelings campaign, rugby player Jack Carty is urging people to be supportive on social media.

Rugby Players Ireland and Zurich have launched the new Tackle Your Feelings Schools mental wellbeing pilot programme and App as part of the second phase of the #ImTakingControl campaign.

Are you an innovator looking to partner with Zurich in Ireland to drive new ideas and grow your business? The Zurich Innovation Championship is looking to work with insurtech businesses to find solutions to global challenges.

As ambassador of the Tackle Your Feelings campaign, rugby player James Lowe shares his story and explains why a positive attitude is central to mental wellbeing.

Zurich is proud to sponsor Wexford GAA and will provide very important support to Wexford GAA in the coming years and will further embed Zurich in the local sporting community.

Rugby player James Lowe relaunches the Tackle Your Feelings mental wellbeing app as Rugby Players Ireland and Zurich campaign encourages people to ‘take control’ of their mental health.

Zurich was delighted to scoop an award for Most Effective Use of Data & Insights at the inaugural Irish Content Marketing Awards 2018.

Pax Financial Planning rounded up their partnership with the Marie Keating Foundation with a final donation of €7,141.97, with Zurich bringing the donation up to €10,000. This money will be used to help people who are undergoing treatment for cancer.