Road safety dos and don’ts

Irish Road Safety Week (IRSW) takes place from Monday 7th – 13th October and provides an opportunity for all drivers to evaluate their driving habits and ensure that they are driving safely.

Driving safely is crucial to protect yourself, your passengers, and others on the road. Here are some general road safety and driving tips:

Buckle up: Ensure everyone in the car is wearing their seatbelt.

Check your tyres: Make sure your tyres are the right kind and size for your vehicle. Check your tyres are properly inflated and are free from defects. The minimum legal tyre tread depth for a passenger vehicle in Ireland is 1.6mm, this should be measured with a tread depth gauge or checked by an authorised tyre supplier.

Obey speed limits: Drive within the speed limits and adjust your speed according to road conditions to keep yourself and others safe. Take extra caution and slow down in residential areas, close to schools and rural roads.

Speed Limits on Irish roads:

Road Type:

Speed limit:


120 km/hr

National Roads

100 km/hr

Regional Roads

80 km/hr

Urban areas

50 km/hr

It’s important to note some roads may have other specified speed limits, make sure to look out for speed limit signs when driving.

Keep a safe distance: Maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you to allow enough time to react to sudden stops. Slow down and increase your distance to vehicles in front of you especially in poor weather conditions like rain, snow, or fog.

Stay alert: Keep your focus on the road and avoid distractions. Be aware of your surroundings and watch for pedestrians, cyclists, and other vehicles.

Never use your mobile phone while driving: it’s illegal to hold a mobile phone while you are driving. The penalty for using a mobile phone while driving is 3 penalty points, as well as a €120 fixed charge.

Use indicators: Always use your indicators to inform other drivers of your intentions.

Check your vehicle: Ensure your car is in good condition – check your tyres, lights, and oil levels. Our car maintenance blog has some handy tips to help you keep your car well maintained and running smoothly.

Plan your journey: Familiarise yourself with the route and traffic conditions. If you are driving in winter, read our article on driving safely in wintery conditions. We also have some tips to reduce sun glare when driving, which you can find here.

Adjust your seat and mirrors: Ensure you have a clear view of the road and can reach all controls comfortably.

Obey traffic signals: Follow all traffic signals and signs. Avoid aggressive driving and stay calm and patient, even in heavy traffic or challenging situations.

Use headlights accordingly: Turn on your headlights in low visibility conditions such as rain and always at night-time. Use your fog lights if driving in foggy weather and remember to turn your fog lights off when they are no longer needed.

Avoid driving when tired: Fatigue can impair your reaction time and decision-making so take regular breaks especially if taking long trips. Read our blog on how to avoid driver fatigue.

Motorway: When it comes to driving on a motorway, be attentive to high-speed traffic, use your mirrors frequently, and signal well in advance before changing lanes. Our blog on motorway driving provides lots of useful tips when driving on a motorway.

Never drive under the influence: It is illegal to drive under the influence. Alcohol and drugs impair your ability to drive safely. Use alternative transportation if you are under the influence.

City driving: Driving in the city can be daunting especially if you are a new driver. Our city driving guide provides tips to help drivers navigate a city safely. 

By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and ensure a safer driving experience for everyone.

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