Zurich Ireland
Auto-enrolment pension in Ireland: Your questions answered
Automatic enrolment in Ireland is being mooted as a measure that could bridge the pension gap. But how will auto-enrolment work and how will it affect your pension plan?
Zurich Ireland
Everything you need to know about pension contributions
Whether you are self-employed or already in a company pension scheme or in non-pensionable employment, the need to save for a pension for your retirement is abundantly clear. So, in this article we are just going to focus on the tax saving benefits which are available from the government to encourage people to plan for their retirement – and hopefully demonstrate why pensions are the most tax efficient form of savings around.
Zurich Ireland
Pension top ups and tax benefits explained
Did you know you can top up your pension and benefit from tax relief in the process? Planning for your future has never been more important.
Learn more about pensions:
Zurich Ireland
12-month savings challenge 2025
How much can you save with the 12-month savings challenge? Follow our monthly schedule and get saving with our downloadable 12-month savings calendar.
Zurich Ireland
50-30-20 rule in budgeting
The 50/30/20 budgeting rule is a great way to manage your finances more effectively. Learn how to potentially grow your income with this simple yet effective budgeting rule.
Zurich Ireland
What is a sinking fund and how to create one for yourself?
Sinking funds are a great way to save up for large expenses by setting aside small amounts each month. In this article we are going to explain what sinking funds are, how you can create one and how they can help with your yearly expense planning.