Learn to invest with confidence
Zurich’s Active Asset Allocation Fund
Zurich’s Active Asset Allocation (AAA) Fund recently celebrated its ten-year anniversary since the fund was first launched on October 20th, 2010.
The effect of market volatility on fund risk ratings
The first quarter of 2020 saw extreme asset price volatility across all asset classes. The effect of this extreme volatility has seen a change in risk ratings for a number of funds across the Zurich range, including some of the Prisma multi-asset funds.
What is an asset class?
There are four main types of investment, which are often called ‘asset classes’. Each one works in a different way and carries its own particular rewards and risks. It is important to understand how they work before you make any investment decisions.
Don't let volatility derail you
Investors should be aware that markets can have a bad week, month or even a year. However, history suggests that those who stay the course will find they are much more likely to benefit as opposed to those who don’t.
Cash isn't always king
Over the last number of years, returns from investments such as equities and bonds have far exceeded that of cash. That is why we see more investors once again looking at alternatives to holding money on deposit.