How to avoid driving fatigue: 15 prevention tips

Driving while tired can be extremely dangerous. In this article we will provide you with some tips to help avoid tiredness while driving.

Whether you’re a beginner driver or used to driving long journeys, every driver has experienced driving fatigue at least once. In this article, we are going to give you a few driving fatigue prevention tips you can apply before or while driving. Understanding the causes of your tiredness can also help you avoid driving fatigue. 

According to the Road Safety Authority (RSA) driving fatigue is a condition that contributes in as many as one-in-five fatal crashes in Ireland every year. At Zurich we want to promote responsible driving, therefore, we have put together a list of tips you can apply while driving or before driving to avoid and prevent tiredness during short or long-distance driving.

Yawning, heavy eyelids and nodding off are only some of the symptoms of driving fatigue many drivers have experienced. While these symptoms appear while driving, tiredness may be caused by factors or driver habits occurring before driving. Daily habits can influence a drivers energy levels and for this reason, we’ll also look at some of the habits that could cause driving fatigue and that you can prevent. 

Avoid tiredness while driving 

Driving while tired can be extremely dangerous. Here are some tips to help avoid tiredness while driving:

Tip 1: Get adequate sleep: Ensure you have had enough rest before embarking on a long drive. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep the night before. It’s also advisable to avoid starting your drive after a long day of work or other activities.

Tip 2: Plan your journey: Plan your route in advance to avoid unnecessary stress. Schedule regular breaks, ideally every two hours or every 160 kilometres, to stretch, walk around, and refresh yourself.

Tip 3: Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Dehydration can cause fatigue. It’s also advisable to eat light and healthy meals. Heavy meals can make you feel sluggish so opt for light, healthy snacks and meals instead.

Tip 4: Drink coffee or energy drinks: Use caffeine wisely. A cup of coffee or tea can help increase alertness, but be careful not to rely on it too much, as the effects can wear off.

Tip 5: Share the drive: If you are traveling with someone who can drive and is insured to drive the car, take turns behind the wheel.

Tip 6: Use air conditioning or open the windows while driving: A cooler temperature in the car can help keep you awake, but be careful as the effect of air con can be temporary.

Tip 7: Listen to the radio: Listening to lively music, podcasts, or audiobooks can help keep your mind engaged, however this can have a temporary effect as listening to music could make you more relaxed. News and podcasts are probably more effective.

Tip 8: Take short naps: If you feel extremely tired, find a safe place to park and take a short nap, ideally 15-20 minutes. Remember, safety should always be your top priority. If you're too tired to drive, it's always better to stop and rest rather than risk an accident.

Prevent driving fatigue before a long or short distance drive

Preventing driving fatigue is essential for ensuring safety on the road. Here are some tips to help prevent fatigue before embarking on both long and short-distance drives:

Tip 9: Avoid driving at night: Try to avoid driving during times when you would normally be asleep, such as late at night or very early in the morning.

Tip 10: Avoid alcohol and medicines: Always avoid alcohol and medicines especially sedatives before driving as these can significantly impair your alertness and reaction time.

Tip 11: Check your vehicle: Ensure your vehicle is in good working condition to avoid unexpected breakdowns that can add stress and fatigue. For more information on car maintenance read our blog on how to take care of your car.

Tips to identify possible causes of driving tiredness  

Identifying the possible causes of driving tiredness is crucial for preventing fatigue and ensuring safe driving. Here are some tips to help you identify and address the underlying causes of driver fatigue. Some of these tips can be helpful if driving fatigue is recurring and can be helpful in identifying the underlining causes. 

Tip 12: Check your sleeping habits: Bad sleeping habits and conditions such as sleeping apnea can cause driving fatigue. If you notice you frequently yawn, have heavy eyelids and have difficulty keeping your eyes open, you could be suffering from a lack of sleep. A solution to lack of sleep is to try get 7-9 hours of quality sleep before driving, maintain a regular sleep schedule, create a comfortable sleep environment, and avoiding caffeine or electronics before bed. If you think you have a sleep disorder consult with a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Tip 13: Do an eyesight test: Eyesight issues can cause driving fatigue. If you are experiencing driver fatigue regularly, it might be worthwhile to go and have your eyes tested. You might need to wear glasses while driving, and if you already wear glasses you might need to change your prescription. A good optician will be able to do some tests and advise you.

Tip 14: Control your stress level: Going through stressful periods in life can cause stress in people, which can lead to tiredness while driving. If you feel mentally tired or distracted due to stress, try practice stress-reduction techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or take short breaks to clear your mind.

Tip 15: Physical exercise: Even light physical activity can aid your general wellbeing and can improve your sleep quality, so try to incorporate some activity into your day.

Combating driver fatigue 

In general, it’s important to regularly check in with yourself to assess your alertness and energy levels. Listen to your body and pay attention to the early signs of fatigue and take action immediately if you are driving and are experiencing fatigue. Implement lifestyle changes and driving habits that promote alertness, and if you suspect a medical condition or have persistent fatigue, seek advice from healthcare providers.

By identifying and addressing the possible causes of driving tiredness, you can take proactive steps to ensure a safer and more alert driving experience. At Zurich, we are to the fore in promoting responsible driving and we regularly create guides and tips for safe driving.

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